6 Quick Fix of Critical Error on WordPress Website

6 Quick Fix of Critical Error on WordPress Website

There has been a critical error on your website wordpress

June 20, 2024

By, Editorial Team


Seeing a “There has been a critical error on this website” message on your WordPress site can be a heart-stopper. But fear not! WordPress websites, while powerful, can sometimes encounter hiccups. The good news is, that these critical errors are often fixable, and you don’t need to be a coding whiz to get your site back online.

In this blog post, compiled by experienced WordPress experts, we’ll break down the most common causes of critical errors and equip you with 6 quick fixes to get your website back up and running smoothly in no time. From pinpointing the culprit with error logs to exploring solutions like restoring a backup or checking for malicious code, we’ll guide you through the troubleshooting process step-by-step.

What are the Causes of “There has been a Critical Error on this Website WordPress”?

The cryptic “There has been a critical error on this website” message can be frustrating, as it doesn’t reveal the root cause. But fret not! Often, the culprit lies within the complex interplay between your website’s code, plugins, themes, and server environment.

Here’s a breakdown of some common reasons why your WordPress site might be experiencing this critical error:

  1. Conflicting Plugins or Themes: Sometimes, plugins or themes with incompatible code can clash, causing critical errors. This is especially common when you have recently installed or updated them.
  2. PHP Issues: WordPress relies on PHP to function. Insufficient memory limits, outdated PHP versions, or errors within custom code snippets can all trigger critical errors.
  3. Database Corruption: In rare cases, your WordPress database might become corrupted due to server crashes or incomplete updates. This corruption can prevent WordPress from accessing essential information.
  4. File Permission Problems: Incorrect file permissions on your server can restrict WordPress’s ability to read or write files, leading to critical errors.

While these are the most common causes, don’t worry! The next section will equip you with 5 quick fixes to diagnose and resolve the critical error on your WordPress website.

6 Fixes for “There has been a Critical Error on this Website WordPress”

Now that we’ve unveiled the potential culprits behind the “There has been a critical error on this website” message, it’s time to equip you with the tools to fix it! Here are 6 effective solutions you can try, starting with the simplest and progressing to more technical measures:

Fix 1: Check Error Logs and Enable Debug Mode

Before diving into specific fixes, it’s important to gather more information about the error. This is where error logs and debug mode come in. Think of them as detective tools to pinpoint the exact issue plaguing your website.

Checking Error Logs:

  • Access your wp-config.php file: This file is located at the root of your WordPress installation. You’ll need an FTP client or file manager provided by your hosting company to access it.
  • Search for debug log settings: Look for lines containing “WP_DEBUG” and “WP_DEBUG_LOG”. These define whether errors are logged and where they’re stored (usually wp-content/debug.log).

Enabling Debug Mode:

  • Activate debug logging: If “WP_DEBUG_LOG” is set to false, change it to true. This will enable the logging of errors.
  • Disable error display (optional): You can add define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false); to prevent error messages from showing on your live site, keeping your visitors unfazed.

Remember to save the changes to your wp-config.php file. Now, when you revisit your website and encounter a critical error, the details will be logged in the debug.log file, providing valuable clues for troubleshooting.

Fix 2: Identify Theme or Plugin Conflict

Sometimes, incompatible or outdated plugins or themes can be the root cause of critical errors. Here’s how to identify the culprit:

Deactivating Plugins:

  • Disable all plugins: Navigate to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress admin dashboard. Select all plugins and choose “Deactivate” from the bulk actions menu.
  • Test your website: After deactivating all plugins, visit your website to see if the critical error persists. If the error disappears, a plugin conflict is likely the cause.

Activating Plugins One by One:

  • Systematically reactivate plugins: Reactivate each plugin individually, testing your website after each activation. If the error reappears after activating a specific plugin, you’ve found the problematic one.

Switching Themes:

  • Activate a default theme: If the error persists after deactivating plugins, try switching to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-Four. This helps isolate if the conflict lies with your current theme.

If these steps don’t pinpoint the culprit, or if the fix involves code modifications, consider reaching out to dedicated WordPress experts. They can provide deeper troubleshooting and ensure a smooth resolution.

Fix 3: Restore Website Backup

If the critical error seems more severe or the troubleshooting process feels overwhelming, restoring a website backup can be a lifesaver. Backups essentially create a snapshot of your website at a specific point in time. Restoring from a backup reverts your website to that state, potentially resolving the error.

Here’s how to restore a website backup (specific steps may vary depending on your hosting provider):

  • Identify your backup solution: Many hosting providers offer built-in backup features. Alternatively, popular backup plugins like UpdraftPlus exist.
  • Locate your backup file: Backups are typically stored on your hosting server or a cloud storage service. Consult your hosting provider or backup plugin documentation for specific instructions on locating your backup file.
  • Restore your website: The restoration process involves uploading the backup file and restoring the database associated with your website. Your hosting provider or backup plugin should provide detailed instructions on this step.

Important Note: Restoring a backup will overwrite any changes made to your website since the backup was created. Make sure the backup is from a point before the critical error occurs.

Fix 4: Upgrade PHP Version

An outdated PHP version can sometimes trigger critical errors on WordPress websites. PHP is the programming language that powers WordPress, and newer versions often come with bug fixes and performance improvements. Here’s how to check your PHP version and consider upgrading (consult your hosting provider if unsure):

Checking Your PHP Version:

  • Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Go to “Tools” > “Site Health.”
  • Under the “Info” tab, look for the “PHP Version” section(usually under server).

Upgrading PHP (if necessary):

  • Contact your hosting provider. Upgrading PHP might require changes on their end.
  • Discuss compatibility: Ensure the new PHP version is compatible with your current WordPress version, theme, and plugins.
  • Proceed with caution: Upgrading PHP can have unintended consequences. Make sure to back up your website before proceeding.

Upgrading PHP is not always the solution, and it’s important to proceed with caution. If you’re unsure, consult your hosting provider for guidance.

Fix 5: Check for Malicious Code

In rare cases, critical errors can be caused by malicious code injected into your website’s files. This code can disrupt various functionalities and compromise your website’s security. Here’s a basic overview of how to check for malicious code (consult a security professional for advanced techniques):

  • Review Core Files: Manually compare core WordPress files with their original versions obtained from the WordPress.org repository. Look for any suspicious changes or unknown code snippets.
  • Scan with Security Plugins: Several security plugins such as “WordFence” offer malware-scanning features. These plugins can scan your website’s files for known malicious code patterns.
  • Seek Professional Help: If you suspect malicious code is present, or if you’re uncomfortable with manual checks, consider seeking help from a WordPress security professional. They can thoroughly scan your website and remove any malicious code while minimizing risk.

Dealing with malicious code can be tricky. If you’re not comfortable with these steps, it’s best to consult a security professional to ensure a safe and effective cleanup.

Fix 6: Reinstall WordPress Core Files

If none of the previous fixes resolve the critical error, reinstalling WordPress core files can be a last resort. This replaces all core WordPress files with fresh ones, preventing the source of the error. However, it’s important to note that this approach won’t affect your content, themes, or plugins as they reside in separate folders.

  • Download the latest WordPress version: Head over to WordPress.org and download the latest stable version of the software.
  • Extract the downloaded file: This will create a folder containing all the WordPress core files.
  • Upload the files to your server: Using an FTP client or your hosting provider’s file manager, upload all the extracted files (except the wp-config.php file) to your website’s root directory. When prompted, choose to overwrite existing files.

Reinstalling core files can deactivate your themes and plugins. You’ll need to reactivate them manually after the reinstall process. Additionally, ensure you have a recent backup of your website before proceeding, just in case.

Don't Let Errors Cripple Your WordPress Website Ever Again

FAQs About WordPress Critical Error on this Website

What is a critical error on this website WordPress Bluehost (or any hosting provider)?
A critical error message on a WordPress website, regardless of your hosting provider (Bluehost, SiteGround, etc.), indicates an issue preventing WordPress from functioning properly. This could be due to various reasons, such as plugin conflicts, outdated PHP versions, corrupted core files, or even malicious code.
Why is my website showing a critical error in Elementor?
Elementor, a popular page builder plugin, can sometimes cause conflicts with other plugins or themes, leading to critical errors. It’s recommended to deactivate Elementor temporarily and see if the error persists. If it disappears, you’ll need to troubleshoot compatibility issues between Elementor and other elements on your website.
How do I fix WordPress plugin problems?

There are several ways to fix WordPress plugin problems:

  • Deactivate and reactivate plugins: Try deactivating all plugins and then reactivating them one by one to identify the problematic plugin.
  • Update plugins: Outdated plugins can cause conflicts. Make sure all your plugins are updated to the latest versions.
  • Reinstall plugins: If updating doesn’t work, try reinstalling the problematic plugin.
Where is the critical error log in WordPress?
Error messages in WordPress are typically stored in a file called “debug.log” located in the wp-content directory on your server. You’ll need an FTP client or file manager provided by your hosting company to access this file and view the error details.
How do you fix a critical error has occurred?

The solution depends on the specific cause of the error. This blog post has covered various troubleshooting steps you can take, including:

  • Checking error logs and enabling debug mode.
  • Identifying theme or plugin conflicts.
  • Restoring a website backup (if available).
  • Upgrading the PHP version (if applicable).
  • Checking for malicious code (for advanced users).
  • Reinstalling WordPress core files (last resort).


Whew! We’ve tackled various ways to combat those pesky critical errors on your WordPress website. Remember, even the most robust websites can encounter hiccups occasionally. The key is to be prepared and know how to troubleshoot effectively.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and understanding the potential causes, you’ll be well-equipped to diagnose and fix the most critical errors. But what if you dream the peace of mind that comes with knowing your website is in tip-top shape, and constantly monitored for potential issues?

Don’t wait for another critical error to disrupt your website! Let our WordPress experts take the reins. We offer comprehensive maintenance plans that include regular backups, security checks, performance optimization, and of course, expert troubleshooting to ensure your website runs smoothly and error-free.

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