HTTP Error 500 WordPress
Causes, Prevention, 6 Solutions


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HTTP Error 500 WordPress

HTTP Error 500 WordPress | Causes, Prevention, 6 Solutions

August 8, 2024

By, Editorial Team


Encountering an HTTP Error 500 on your WordPress website can be frustrating. This cryptic message often leaves website owners puzzled. But don’t worry; it’s a common issue that can usually be resolved. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll understand the causes behind this error, provide actionable solutions, and offer prevention tips. Regardless of your WordPress experience, this post will equip you with the knowledge to overcome the HTTP 500 error and ensure your website runs smoothly.

What is HTTP Error 500 WordPress?

An HTTP Error 500 on your WordPress website signifies a server-side issue preventing it from fulfilling your page request. This generic error message can stem from various problems, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. Common causes of 500 HTTP Error in WordPress include plugin conflicts, theme incompatibilities, corrupted .htaccess files, and database-related errors.

Resolving the HTTP 500 error often requires a systematic troubleshooting approach to identify and rectify the underlying issue. If you’re inexperienced with technical aspects, reaching out to WordPress experts for assistance is recommended.

What Causes HTTP Error 500 WordPress?

An HTTP Error 500 in WordPress is a generic error signifying a server-side issue. This means something on your server is preventing it from processing your request correctly. While the exact cause can be challenging to pinpoint, several common culprits contribute to this error.

  • Plugin Conflicts: Incompatible or outdated plugins can trigger conflicts, leading to HTTP 500 error.
  • Theme Issues: Problems with your active theme, including coding errors or resource conflicts, can cause this error.
  • PHP Memory Limit: Insufficient PHP memory allocated to your website can result in this error, especially when dealing with resource-intensive processes.
  • Corrupted .htaccess File: This file controls server configuration, and any errors or corruption within it can disrupt website functionality.
  • Database Issues: Problems with your WordPress database, such as corruption or connection errors, can also lead to the 500 error in WordPress.
  • Server Overload: Excessive traffic or resource-intensive processes can overwhelm your server, causing it to return the error.
  • Permission Issues: Incorrect file and folder permissions can prevent the server from accessing necessary files, resulting in the error.

Identifying the specific cause requires systematic troubleshooting. The following sections will guide you through potential solutions.

How to Fix HTTP Error 500 WordPress?

Resolving the HTTP Error 500 on your WordPress website often requires a methodical approach. By systematically addressing possible causes, you can usually identify and rectify the underlying issue. This section outlines several common solutions to help you restore your website’s functionality.

1. Check the .htaccess File

The .htaccess file plays a crucial role in your WordPress website’s configuration. Corruption or incorrect settings within this file can often trigger the 500 error. By inspecting and potentially reverting this file, you can resolve many instances of this error.

  1. Access the .htaccess file: Use an FTP client to access your WordPress root directory and locate the .htaccess file.
  2. Create a backup: Before making any changes, create a backup copy of the .htaccess file.
  3. Rename the file: Temporarily rename the .htaccess file to something like “.htaccess_old”.
  4. Check website functionality: Access your website to see if the error is resolved. If it is, proceed to the next steps to create a new .htaccess file.
  5. Recreate the .htaccess file: Use your WordPress admin panel to generate a new .htaccess file. Go to Settings > Permalinks and click “Save Changes”. This will automatically create a new .htaccess file with the correct settings.
  6. Restore specific rules: If you had custom rules in your previous .htaccess file, carefully add them back one by one, testing your website after each addition.

By following these steps and exercising caution, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve issues related to the .htaccess file.

2. Increase PHP Memory Limit

Increase PHP Memory Limit

Insufficient PHP memory allocation can often trigger the 500 error, especially when your website handles resource-intensive tasks like large image uploads or complex plugin functionalities. By increasing the PHP memory limit, you can provide your website with the necessary resources to function smoothly.

  1. Check your current limit: You can determine your current PHP memory limit by creating a PHP file with the following code: <?php echo ini_get(‘memory_limit’); ?>. Upload this file to your WordPress root directory and access it through your browser.
  2. Increase the limit: There are primarily three ways to increase the PHP memory limit:
    1. Edit wp-config.php: Add the following line to your wp-config.php file, replacing ’64M’ with your desired value: define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
    2. Edit php.ini: Locate your php.ini file and change the memory_limit value to your desired amount.
    3. Use .htaccess: Add the following line to your .htaccess file: php_value memory_limit 64M
  3. Test your website: After making changes, save the file and check if the 500 error is resolved. Gradually increase the memory limit if needed, but be mindful of your hosting provider’s limits.

Remember to back up your WordPress files before making any modifications. Increasing the PHP memory limit can often effectively address performance issues and prevent the 500 error from recurring.

3. Switch to Default Theme

A faulty or incompatible theme can often be the culprit behind the HTTP 500 error. By temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme, you can isolate whether the issue lies with your current theme. If the error disappears, you can confirm that the theme was the problem.

  • Access your WordPress dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin area.
  • Navigate to Appearance: Click on the “Appearance” menu.
  • Switch to a default theme: Choose one of the default WordPress themes (like Twenty Twenty-Four or Twenty Twenty-Three).
  • Save changes: Click “Activate” to apply the new theme.
  • Check website functionality: Visit your website to see if the 500 error persists.

If the error is resolved, you can confirm that your previous theme was causing the issue. You can then troubleshoot the theme further or consider replacing it with a different one.

4. Examine Error Logs

Debug log file in WordPress

Error logs are invaluable resources for diagnosing website issues. They record detailed information about errors and warnings, providing clues to the root cause of the 500 error. By carefully examining these logs, you can often pinpoint the exact problem and take appropriate action.

  • Locate error logs: Error logs are typically found in your WordPress installation’s wp-content directory. Look for files named debug.log or error.log.
  • Check log content: Open the log file using a text editor. Look for recent entries related to the 500 error, including error messages, timestamps, and potentially relevant PHP code.
  • Analyze error messages: Carefully examine the error messages to identify potential issues such as plugin conflicts, PHP errors, or database problems.
  • Search for solutions: Use the information from the error logs to search for solutions online or consult with WordPress support forums.

Error logs can be complex, so it’s essential to have a basic understanding of PHP error messages. If you’re unfamiliar with interpreting log files, consider seeking assistance from a WordPress developer or your hosting provider.

5. Increase PHP Execution Time

htaccess file WordPress

If your WordPress website is performing complex operations or dealing with large datasets, it might exceed the default PHP execution time limit. This can result in the 500 error. By increasing the PHP execution time, you allow scripts to complete before timing out.

  • Check the current limit: Use the phpinfo() function to determine your current PHP execution time limit. This information can usually be found in your website’s wp-config.php file.
  • Increase the limit: You can modify the PHP execution time in several ways:
    • Edit php.ini: Locate the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file and increase the value in seconds.
    • Use .htaccess: Add the following line to your .htaccess file, replacing 300 with your desired value: php_value max_execution_time 300
    • Use wp-config.php: Add the following line to your wp-config.php file, replacing 300 with your desired value: ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, 300);
  • Test your website: Save the changes and check if the 500 error is resolved. Gradually increase the execution time if needed, but be cautious as excessively long execution times can impact performance.

Increasing the PHP execution time is a temporary solution and should be used judiciously. If your website frequently exceeds these limits, it might indicate underlying performance issues that require optimization.

6. ReInstall WordPress Core Files

In rare cases, corruption within the WordPress core files can lead to the 500 error. Reinstalling these files can help resolve the issue if other solutions have failed. However, it’s important to back up your website before proceeding, as this process will overwrite existing files.

  • Create a complete backup: Back up your entire WordPress installation, including the database, themes, and plugins.
  • Download WordPress: Obtain the latest version of WordPress from the official WordPress website.
  • Unzip the files: Extract the downloaded WordPress files.
  • Replace core files: Using an FTP client, carefully replace the core files in your WordPress installation’s root directory with the newly extracted files. Be cautious not to overwrite any custom modifications.
  • Check website functionality: Access your website to see if the 500 error is resolved.

Reinstalling WordPress core files should be considered a last resort. If the issue persists after reinstalling, it’s likely that the problem lies elsewhere, such as with your server configuration, plugins, or theme.

How to Prevent 500 Error in a WordPress Site?

Proactive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering the dreaded HTTP 500 error on your WordPress website. By implementing these prevention strategies, you can enhance your website’s stability and minimize downtime.

  • Regularly Update WordPress, Themes, and Plugins: Keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up-to-date is crucial.
  • Optimize Resource Usage: Monitor your website’s resource consumption, including PHP memory, CPU, and database usage.
  • Implement Robust Backup Strategy: Regularly back up your entire WordPress installation, including files and databases.
  • Monitor Server Health: Keep an eye on your server’s performance and resource utilization.
  • Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider: Opt for a reputable hosting provider that offers adequate resources, technical support, and uptime guarantees.
  • Test Changes Thoroughly: Before making significant changes to your website, such as installing new plugins or modifying themes, test them thoroughly in a staging environment to minimize risks.
  • Enable Debug Mode (Cautiously): Temporarily enabling debug mode can help identify PHP errors that might contribute to the 500 error. However, use this feature carefully as it can expose sensitive information.

By following these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering the HTTP 500 error and maintain a smooth-running WordPress website. Remember that proactive maintenance is key to preventing unexpected issues.

FAQs About About HTTP Error 500 WordPress

How to access WordPress login page with HTTP error 500?

Accessing your WordPress login page when encountering an HTTP 500 error can be challenging. However, there are a few potential solutions:

  1. Disable plugins
  2. Switch to a default theme
  3. Check .htaccess file
  4. Increase PHP memory limit
  5. Contact your hosting provider
Why is my WordPress site currently unable to handle this request (HTTP error 500)?

The HTTP 500 error is a generic message indicating a server-side issue. Common causes include:

  • Plugin conflicts: Incompatible or outdated plugins can trigger conflicts.
  • Theme issues: Problems with your active theme, such as coding errors or resource conflicts.
  • PHP memory limit: Insufficient PHP memory allocated to your website.
  • Corrupted .htaccess file: Errors or corruption in this file can disrupt website functionality.
  • Database issues: Problems with your WordPress database.
  • Server overload: Excessive traffic or resource-intensive processes.
  • Permission issues: Incorrect file and folder permissions.
How do I debug 500 error in WordPress?

Debugging a 500 error involves a systematic approach:

  1. Check error logs
  2. Disable plugins
  3. Switch to a default theme
  4. Inspect .htaccess file
  5. Increase PHP memory limit
  6. Contact hosting provider
  7. Use debugging tools

Remember to back up your website before making significant changes.


The HTTP Error 500 can be a frustrating obstacle for WordPress website owners. However, with a systematic approach and understanding of potential causes, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve this issue. By following the solutions outlined in this guide, you can increase the chances of restoring your website’s functionality.

Remember, prevention is key. Regularly updating WordPress, themes, and plugins, optimizing resource usage, and implementing robust backups can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering 500 error.

Contact our WordPress experts for professional assistance in diagnosing and resolving the HTTP 500 error. We offer comprehensive troubleshooting services to get your website back up and running smoothly.


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