Troubleshoot 404 Error in WordPress: Solutions, Redirection, and Prevention

Troubleshoot 404 Error in WordPress

Troubleshoot 404 Error in WordPress: Solutions, Redirection, and Prevention

June 24, 2024

By, Editorial Team


Ever clicked on a link on a website, only to be greeted by a confusing “404 Not Found” message? It happens to the best of us, and it can be frustrating for both you and your website visitors. But fear not!  This error doesn’t signal the end of your website.

Stress not! This comprehensive guide empowers you to troubleshoot 404 errors on your WordPress site. We’ll understand the causes behind them, explore solutions to fix them, and even show you how to set up redirects and create a custom 404 page to improve user experience. 

By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to keep your website running smoothly and error-free. So, let’s dive in and conquer those pesky 404 errors!

What is a 404 Not Found Error WordPress?

For any website owner, encountering a “404 Not Found” error can be a source of frustration. In WordPress, this error signifies a broken link on your website. When a visitor attempts to access a specific page, the server is unable to locate it, leading to the dreaded 404 message. 

These errors can negatively impact user experience and potentially harm your SEO ranking. Fortunately, understanding the causes and solutions for 404 errors helps you to maintain a smoothly functioning website.

What are the Causes of 404 Errors in WordPress?

While encountering a 404 error can be irritating, the good news is there are identifiable reasons behind them. Here’s a breakdown of some common culprits:

  • Broken Links: This is a frequent cause. Perhaps you deleted a page or changed its URL without properly redirecting the old link. This leaves visitors stranded with a 404 error.
  • Incorrect Permalink Structure: Permalinks are the permanent URLs for your WordPress posts and pages. Inaccurate permalink settings can lead to broken links and 404 errors.
  • Plugin Conflicts: Certain plugins might interfere with how WordPress handles permalinks, causing unexpected errors.
  • Missing or Corrupted .htaccess File: This crucial file plays a role in URL rewriting for WordPress. If it’s missing or corrupted, it can trigger 404 errors.
  • Typos: A simple typo in a URL can lead to a 404 error. Double-check any URLs you’re linking to ensure accuracy.

By understanding these common causes, you’ll be well-equipped to troubleshoot and fix 404 errors on your WordPress site.

How to Add 404 Page in WordPress?

While WordPress doesn’t have a built-in “add 404 page” feature, creating a custom one offers significant benefits. A well-designed custom 404 page informs visitors that the requested content isn’t available and provides helpful alternatives to keep them engaged with your site. This can improve user experience and potentially even reduce bounce rates.

There are two main approaches to creating a custom 404 page in WordPress:

  • Theme File Editor: This method involves editing your theme’s code directly. It requires some technical knowledge and is generally recommended for experienced users comfortable with code.
  • Plugins: Several user-friendly plugins can simplify the process and allow you to create a custom 404 page without needing to touch code. A popular option for this is SeedProd.

Steps to Setup 404 Page in SeedProd

Seedprod 404 page setup
  1. Install and activate the SeedProd plugin on your WordPress site.
  2. SeedProd offers a drag-and-drop interface to design your custom 404 page. You can add text, images, buttons, and other elements to create a visually appealing and informative experience.
  3. Once satisfied with your design, SeedProd allows you to easily set this page as your custom 404 error page.

Don’t feel comfortable diving into code?  No problem!  While SeedProd is a popular option, numerous other plugins offer similar functionality. If you encounter any difficulties or prefer a more hands-off approach, consider seeking help from a WordPress expert. Their experience can ensure a professional-looking and functional custom 404 page is implemented for your website.

How to Redirect 404 Error in WordPress?

Encountering a 404 error can be jarring for visitors, interrupting their browsing experience. Fortunately, WordPress offers redirection options to guide users to the most relevant content on your site when a broken link is encountered. This not only improves user experience but also helps maintain SEO ranking by preventing “dead links.”

Method 1. Redirect 404 Page in WordPress Without Plugin

While plugins offer a user-friendly approach, you can also redirect 404 errors in WordPress without them. This method requires editing your theme’s code directly, so it’s best suited for users comfortable with basic coding principles. Here’s how:

1. Access Your Theme Files: You can use an FTP client like FileZilla or access your website’s files directly through your hosting provider’s control panel. Locate your active theme’s folder (usually within wp-content/themes).

2. Locate the 404.php File: Look for a file named 404.php within your theme’s folder. If this file doesn’t exist, you can create a new blank text file and name it 404.php

3. Add the Redirection Code: Open the 404.php file in a text editor and paste the following code snippet:



* Redirect 404 errors to homepage


header(“HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently”);

header(“Location: “. get_bloginfo(‘url’) );



Important Note: This code redirects all 404 errors to your website’s homepage. You can modify the code to redirect to a specific page by replacing get_bloginfo(‘url’) with the desired URL.

4. Save Changes and Upload: Save the 404.php file with the updated code. Upload the modified file back to your theme’s folder on your server.

By implementing this code, you can achieve basic redirection for 404 errors without relying on plugins. However, this method requires some technical knowledge and may not be suitable for everyone. Consider exploring the following sections for alternative redirection methods.

Method 2. Redirect 404 Errors to Homepage in WordPress

redirect redirection plugin

While the previous section explored code-based redirection for technically savvy users, this approach utilizes a user-friendly plugin. This is a great option for those who prefer a simpler solution without modifying code.

Here’s how to redirect 404 errors to your homepage using a plugin:

  • Install and Activate Redirect: A popular and well-regarded plugin for managing redirects is Redirection. You can install and activate it directly from your WordPress dashboard by navigating to Plugins > Add New. Search for “Redirection” and follow the on-screen instructions to install and activate the plugin.
  • Configure Redirection: Once activated, access the plugin settings by navigating to Tools > Redirection. Here, you can create a new redirection rule.
  • Set Up Rule: In the “Source” field, leave it blank as this rule will target all 404 errors. In the “Destination” field, enter your website’s homepage URL. Typically, this will be something like
  • Save Changes: Click the “Add Redirect” button to save your rule.

Now, any 404 errors encountered by visitors will be automatically redirected to your website’s homepage. This plugin offers a user-friendly interface for managing redirects, making it a convenient solution for those who prefer a no-code approach.

5 Quick Fixes of 404 Error in WordPress

Encountering 404 errors can disrupt your website’s functionality and user experience. Thankfully, several quick fixes can often resolve these issues and get your website running smoothly again. Here are five solutions to troubleshoot and potentially prevent 404 errors:

1. Reset Permalinks

Encountering 404 errors can disrupt your website’s functionality and user experience. Thankfully, several quick fixes can often resolve these issues and get your website running smoothly again. Here are five solutions to troubleshoot and potentially prevent 404 errors:

2. Restore .htaccess File

The .htaccess file plays a crucial role in URL rewriting for WordPress. If it’s missing or corrupted, it can trigger 404 errors. Renaming your existing .htaccess file (e.g., .htaccess.bak) and letting WordPress regenerate a new one can often fix the problem. However, proceed with caution and consult your WordPress documentation or hosting provider if unsure.

3. Set Up 301 Redirects

If you’ve permanently moved or deleted a page, setting up a 301 redirect ensures visitors attempting to access the old URL are automatically directed to the new relevant content. This prevents 404 errors and maintains SEO benefits. Plugins like Redirection (mentioned earlier) can simplify this process.

4. Switch to Default Theme

While unlikely, a conflict with your current theme might be causing 404 errors. Temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-Four can help diagnose if the theme is the culprit. If the errors disappear after switching, investigate theme settings or consider a theme update.

5. Deactivate Plugins

Similar to themes, plugin conflicts can also trigger 404 errors. Deactivate all your plugins and then reactivate them one by one while checking for the error after each reactivation. This can help identify the problematic plugin, allowing you to find a solution or replace it with an alternative.

If you’ve tried these solutions and are still encountering 404 errors, consider reaching out to your WordPress services provider. They may have additional insights specific to your website’s configuration or can guide you toward further troubleshooting steps.

FAQs About 404 Error in WordPress

How to Find 404 Errors in WordPress?

While there’s no built-in “404 page” location in WordPress, there are ways to identify them:

  • Google Search Console: This free tool by Google provides insights into website indexing and potential errors. It can report 404 errors discovered by Google’s crawlers.
  • Analytics Tools: Traffic analytics tools like Google Analytics can reveal pages with high bounce rates or “not found” errors, potentially indicating 404 issues.
  • Broken Link Checker Plugins: Plugins like “Broken Link Checker” scan your website for broken links, including those leading to 404 errors.
How to Remove 404 Pages in WordPress?

Technically, there are no “404 pages” to remove in WordPress. The 404 error message itself isn’t a page. However, you can address the underlying cause of the error:

  • Fix Broken Links: If the error stems from broken links, you can either update the link to the correct URL or redirect the old URL to the relevant content using a plugin like Redirection.
  • Resolve Permalinks Issues: Incorrect permalink settings can lead to 404 errors. Resetting permalinks in your WordPress settings can often fix the problem.
Can Poorly Coded WordPress Themes Cause 404 Errors?

Yes, poorly coded WordPress themes can contribute to 404 errors. Theme code might interfere with how WordPress handles permalinks, leading to broken links and errors. Here’s how to diagnose:

  • Switch to Default Theme: As mentioned earlier, temporarily switching to a default theme can help identify if the theme is causing the issue.
  • Theme Updates: Theme developers often release updates that address bugs and improve compatibility. Keeping your theme updated can help prevent 404 errors caused by outdated code.

By understanding these concepts and utilizing the provided solutions, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle 404 errors and ensure a smooth user experience on your WordPress website.


By now, you’ve equipped yourself with the knowledge and tools to effectively combat 404 errors on your WordPress website. You can identify their causes, implement solutions like resetting permalinks or setting up redirects, and even create a custom 404 page to enhance user experience. Remember, a well-functioning website not only improves user satisfaction but also strengthens your SEO efforts.

If you’re still encountering stubborn 404 errors or simply prefer a helping hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of WordPress experts. We possess the experience and expertise to diagnose and resolve any website issues you might face. Let us help you create a seamless and error-free WordPress experience for your visitors. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation to discuss your website’s needs.

Fix 404 errors on your WordPress site! Learn causes, solutions, redirects & creating a custom 404 page. Improve SEO & user experience.

Free From 404 Error


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