How to Login WordPress Admin Dashboard?

How to Login WordPress Admin Dashboard?

Dec 30, 2023

By, Editorial Team


WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world. It powers a significant portion of websites on the internet, ranging from small personal blogs to large corporate sites. Its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive customization options have made it a favorite among web developers and content creators.

The heart of managing a WordPress website is its admin dashboard. This is where you control everything about your site, from publishing new content to customizing the design, managing users, and configuring settings. Accessing the WordPress admin dashboard is crucial for any site owner or administrator, as it’s the control panel for your online presence. Whether you’re posting a blog, updating site information, or tweaking design elements, the admin dashboard is your go-to tool for making your WordPress site vibrant and engaging.

Understanding the WordPress Admin Dashboard

The WordPress admin dashboard is the backend interface of a WordPress website. It’s where you manage and control all aspects of your site, from content creation to website configuration. The admin dashboard is accessible only to users with the appropriate login credentials, ensuring security and control over who can make changes to the site.

Key Features of WordPress Admin Dashboard

  • Dashboard Home: Provides a quick overview of your site’s activity, including recent posts, comments, and site health.
  • Posts: Manage your blog posts here. You can add, edit, delete, and categorize posts.
  • Media: The media library is where all your images, videos, and files are stored. You can upload, edit, and manage your media content here.
  • Pages: Similar to posts, but typically used for static content like ‘About Us’ or ‘Contact’ pages.
  • Comments: This section allows you to moderate comments left on your site, a vital tool for community engagement and spam control.
  • Appearance: Customize the look of your site here. This includes themes, widgets, menus, and sometimes additional customization options depending on the theme.
  • Plugins: Add new functionality to your site with plugins. You can install, activate, deactivate, and update plugins in this section.
  • Users: Manage user accounts, including roles, permissions, and personal settings.
  • Tools: Contains various tools to perform administrative tasks like importing/exporting data, site health checks, and more.
  • Settings: The primary area for configuring your website. This includes site title, tagline, URL structure, privacy settings, and more.

The WordPress admin dashboard is designed to be intuitive, allowing users of all skill levels to effectively manage their website. With its comprehensive set of tools and features, it’s the operational center for any WordPress site, enabling seamless management and customization.

Preparing to Login WordPress Admin Dashboard

Before you can log into your WordPress admin dashboard, it’s essential to have two key pieces of information: your username and password, and the URL of your WordPress website’s admin login page.

1. Ensuring you have the necessary credentials (username and password)

  • When your WordPress site is first set up, you create a username and password. These credentials are your primary access keys to your website’s backend.
  • If you’re not the one who set up the website, these details should be provided by the site administrator or the person who did the setup.
  • It’s important to keep these credentials safe and secure, as they provide full access to your website.

2. Knowing Your WordPress Website's URL

  • The standard URL format to access the WordPress login page is either or (replace with your actual domain name).
  • If your site is installed in a subdirectory or subdomain, the login URL might include that subdirectory:
  • In some cases, for security reasons, the login URL may have been customized to something different. If so, ensure you have this custom URL.

It’s a good practice to bookmark your WordPress login URL for easy access. Remember, without the correct credentials and the proper login URL, accessing the WordPress admin dashboard is impossible.

Standard WordPress Admin Login Procedure

The standard procedure for logging into the WordPress admin dashboard is straightforward. Here’s how you do it:


  • Open your web browser and go to your WordPress site’s login URL. This is usually or (replace with your actual domain name).
  • If your WordPress installation is in a subdirectory, the URL might look like
  • In case of a custom login URL, use the specific address provided or set up during the installation.


  • On the login page, you’ll see fields for ‘Username’ or ‘Email Address’ and ‘Password’.
  • Enter the username or email address associated with your admin account.
  • Next, enter your password. Be careful with the case sensitivity of your password.
  • Optionally, you can select the “Remember Me” checkbox to stay logged in.


  • Incorrect Password: If you enter the wrong password, WordPress will notify you. You can use the ‘Lost your password?’ link to reset it.
  • Incorrect Username: If you’re unsure about your username, try using your email address instead.
  • Error Establishing Database Connection: This indicates a problem with your website’s database. Contact your hosting provider if this persists.
  • White Screen of Death: If the login page is blank, it might be due to a plugin or theme issue. You may need to deactivate plugins or switch themes via FTP or your hosting file manager.
  • Too Many Login Attempts: Some security plugins limit login attempts. If locked out, wait for the timeout period to expire or access your site via FTP to disable the plugin temporarily.

Remember, maintaining the security of your login credentials is crucial. Ensure that your username and password are strong and unique to prevent unauthorized access to your WordPress admin area.

Remembering Your WordPress Admin Dashboard Login URL

Remembering your WordPress admin login URL is crucial for quick and easy access to your site’s backend. Here are two simple methods to ensure you always have the login URL at your fingertips:


  • Once you are on your WordPress login page (typically or, you can bookmark it in your web browser.
  • Every major browser (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari) allows you to add bookmarks. You can usually do this by clicking on the star icon in the browser’s address bar.
  • Organize your bookmark in a specific folder for easy retrieval. You might name it ‘WordPress Sites’ or something similar.


Desktop Shortcut

  • On your computer, you can create a shortcut to your login page for even quicker access.
  • For Windows, right-click on your desktop, select ‘New’, then ‘Shortcut’, and enter your WordPress login URL. Name the shortcut (e.g., ‘My WordPress Site Admin’).
  • For macOS, drag the URL from the browser onto your desktop or into a folder.

Mobile Device Shortcut

  • On smartphones, you can add the login page to your home screen.
  • For iOS, use Safari to navigate to your login page, tap the share icon, and select ‘Add to Home Screen’.
  • For Android, use Chrome to open your login page, tap the three dots for the menu, and select ‘Add to Home screen’.

These methods make accessing your WordPress admin dashboard much more convenient, saving you time and the hassle of remembering or typing the URL every time.

WordPress Admin Dashboard Login Issues and Troubleshooting

When facing login issues with your WordPress admin account, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and regain access:


  • On the WordPress login page, click on the link labeled “Lost your password?”
  • Enter your username or the email address associated with your account.
  • WordPress will send a password reset link to your email. Click on this link and follow the instructions to set a new password.
  • If you don’t receive the email, check your spam/junk folder.


  • If WordPress doesn’t recognize your username, try using your email address instead. WordPress allows you to log in with either your username or the email address associated with the account.
  • If you have multiple email accounts, make sure you are using the one associated with your WordPress account.
  • If you still can’t remember your username, you might need to check with your website’s administrator or look into the database using phpMyAdmin to find your username.


  • If your account is locked (commonly due to too many failed login attempts), wait for the lockout period to end. This duration depends on your website’s security settings.
  • If you have access to the email associated with your WordPress account, you might receive instructions on how to unlock your account.
  • As a last resort, if you have FTP access or access to the hosting control panel, you can disable security plugins that might have locked your account. This can be done by renaming the plugin folder, which will deactivate it.
  • Alternatively, if you are comfortable with databases, you can use phpMyAdmin to remove any lockout settings directly from the WordPress database.

Remember, if you continue to have trouble and cannot resolve the issue through these methods, contacting your hosting provider or a professional web developer might be necessary. They can offer more direct access to your site’s backend and help resolve the issue.

Security Measures for Protecting Your WordPress Admin Login

Securing your WordPress admin login is critical to protect your website from unauthorized access and potential security threats. Here are key measures to enhance the security of your admin login:

1. Creating Strong Passwords

  • Use a combination of letters (both upper and lower case), numbers, and special characters to create a robust password.
  • Avoid common words, phrases, or easily guessable information like birthdays or anniversaries.
  • Consider using password managers to generate and store complex passwords.

2. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification in addition to your password.
  • You can use a 2FA plugin for WordPress. When you log in, after entering your password, you’ll need to provide an additional verification code, usually sent to your phone or email.
  • Popular 2FA methods include SMS codes, email codes, or using an authenticator app like Google Authenticator.

3. Regularly Updating WordPress and Plugins

  • Keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date. Developers regularly release updates that include security patches.
  • Enable automatic updates for WordPress and plugins where possible.
  • Before updating, it’s wise to back up your website to prevent data loss in case something goes wrong during the update process.

Other considerations for enhancing security include

  • Use a security plugin to monitor and protect your site.
  • Consider using a web application firewall (WAF) for additional protection.
  • Regularly backup your website.
  • Be cautious with the user roles and permissions you assign on your WordPress site.

By following these security measures, you significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and keep your WordPress admin login and your entire site safer.

Using Email to Login WordPress Admin Dashboard

Using an email address to log into your WordPress site can be a convenient alternative to using a username. Here’s how to set it up and the pros and cons of this approach:

1. Setting Up Email Login Functionality

  • By default, WordPress allows users to log in using either their username or the email address associated with their account.
  • If you want to exclusively use email addresses for login, you will need a plugin. Plugins like ‘WP Email Login’ or ‘Email Login’ enable this functionality.
  • Once you install and activate the plugin, you can log in with your email address instead of your username.

2. Pros of Email Logins

  • Easier to Remember: Most people find it easier to remember their email address than a username.
  • Increased Security: Email addresses are not as easily guessable as common usernames, potentially enhancing login security.
  • Consistency: If you use the same email for multiple services, it’s simpler to remember one common login credential.

3. Cons of Email Logins

  • Spam Risk: Using an email address can slightly increase the risk of receiving spam, especially if your email is publicly available.
  • Dependence on Email Service: If your email service is down, or if you lose access to your email account, it becomes harder to recover your WordPress login.
  • Privacy Concerns: Some users may not want to use their email addresses due to privacy concerns.

In summary, using email to log into your WordPress site can make the login process more straightforward and potentially more secure. However, it’s important to weigh these benefits against the potential downsides, like increased spam and privacy concerns. Choosing the right method depends on your preferences and the specific needs of your website.

Customizing the WordPress Admin Login Page

Customizing the WordPress login page can enhance your site’s branding and improve security. Here’s how to add branding elements and change the login URL:

1. Adding Branding Elements

  • Logo: You can replace the default WordPress logo with your own to reinforce your brand identity. This can be done using a plugin like ‘Login Logo’ or ‘Custom Login Page Customizer’, which allows you to upload your logo directly. Alternatively, you can add custom CSS to your theme’s functions.php file to change the logo.
  • Colors and Styles: Change the colors of the login page to match your brand’s color scheme. This can include the background, button colors, and form styles. Plugins like ‘Theme My Login’ or ‘Custom Login Page Customizer’ can help you tweak these elements without touching code. For more control, you can directly edit the CSS styles.

2. Changing the Login URL for Security

  • Changing the default login URL (wp-admin or wp-login.php) can help reduce automated attacks and brute force attempts.
  • Use a security plugin like ‘WPS Hide Login’ or ‘iThemes Security’ to easily change the login URL to something unique and less predictable.
  • Ensure you remember the new URL, and bookmark it, as you will not be able to access the login page through the standard address.

Considerations for Customizing the WordPress Login Page

  • Compatibility: Ensure any plugins you use for customization are compatible with your version of WordPress and other plugins you may be using.
  • Updates: Customizations, especially those made directly to files, can be overwritten by WordPress updates. Using a child theme or plugins can help maintain customizations.
  • Backup: Always back up your site before making changes, especially when editing core files or using custom code.

By customizing the login page, you not only enhance the user experience by making it more familiar and branded but also add an extra layer of security by obscuring the login URL.

Managing Multiple Users in WordPress

Managing multiple users is a key aspect of running a WordPress site, especially if you have a team of people contributing content or managing different sections of your site. Here’s how to add new users and set roles and permissions:

1. Adding New Users to Your WordPress Site

  • Go to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Navigate to ‘Users’ and then ‘Add New’.
  • Fill in the required fields, including username, email, first name, last name, and website (if applicable).
  • You can either set a password for the new user or let WordPress generate one. Ensure it’s a strong password either way.
  • Optionally, you can send the new user an email about their account.

2. Setting Roles and Permissions

WordPress has several predefined roles: Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. Each role has different permissions.

  • Administrator: Has access to all administrative features and can make any changes, including adding and removing users.
  • Editor: Can publish and manage posts including those of other users.
  • Author: Can publish and manage their own posts.
  • Contributor: Can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
  • Subscriber: Can only manage their profile.

Select the appropriate role for the new user based on what tasks they need to perform on your site.

3. Best Practices for Managing Multiple Users

  • Minimum Required Role: Assign users only the role that they need to perform their tasks. This is a principle of least privilege for security.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically review who has access to your site and their roles, especially if people leave your organization or change positions.
  • Training: Ensure users are familiar with the WordPress interface and understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Security: Regularly remind users about security best practices, like using strong passwords and not sharing login credentials.

By carefully managing user roles and permissions, you can maintain a high level of security on your WordPress site while allowing multiple contributors to efficiently perform their roles.

Using WordPress Login Plugins

WordPress login plugins can enhance the functionality and security of your login process. Here’s an overview of some popular login plugins and a guide on how to install and configure them:

1. Popular WordPress Login Plugins

  • Jetpack by Offers features like secure login with optional two-factor authentication, brute force attack protection, and monitoring.
  • Login LockDown: Records the IP address and timestamp of every failed login attempt and can lock out users after a set number of failed attempts.
  • WPForms: Allows you to create custom login and registration forms, integrating them into your pages with ease.
  • Social Login: Provides social media integration, allowing users to log in through platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

Theme My Login: Customizes your login, registration, and password recovery pages to match your site’s theme

2. Install and Configure Login Plugins


  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to ‘Plugins’ > ‘Add New’.
  • Search for the plugin by name.
  • Click ‘Install Now’ next to the plugin you want to install, and then click ‘Activate’ once the installation is complete.


  • After activation, most plugins will add a new menu item to your WordPress dashboard or add options to existing settings.
  • Navigate to the settings page for the plugin. This is usually found under ‘Settings’ or the plugin’s own name in the dashboard menu.
  • Configure the settings according to your needs. For example, with a social login plugin, you’ll need to set up which social networks to include and obtain API keys from those services.
  • For security plugins like Login LockDown, configure settings like the number of failed login attempts before lockout and the duration of the lockout.

Tips for Using WordPress Login Plugins

  • Test Your Settings: After configuring a login plugin, test it in an incognito window to ensure everything works as expected.
  • Keep Plugins Updated: Regularly update your plugins to get the latest security patches and features.
  • Backup First: Always backup your WordPress site before installing new plugins, especially those that affect login mechanisms, to avoid being locked out of your site.

By utilizing these plugins, you can significantly enhance user experience and security on your WordPress site. Choose plugins that align with your specific needs, whether it’s bolstering security, customizing the login experience, or integrating social media logins.

Recovering Your WordPress Admin Access

Recovering your admin access to a WordPress site is crucial if you lose it, and maintaining your site regularly is essential for its health and security. Here are the steps for recovery and additional tips for admins:

1. Reset Your Password

Use the ‘Lost your password?’ link on your WordPress login page to reset your password via email.

2. Update the Database via phpMyAdmin

  • Access phpMyAdmin through your hosting control panel.
  • Locate your WordPress database and browse the ‘wp_users’ table.
  • Edit your user record, input a new password, and select MD5 in the functions menu to encrypt it.
  • Save the changes and try logging in with the new password.

3. Create a New Admin User via FTP

  • Connect to your site using an FTP client.
  • Edit the functions.php file of your active theme.
  • Add a code snippet to create a new admin user. You can find this snippet in the WordPress Codex or developer resources.
  • After gaining access, remove the code to prevent unauthorized use.

4. Contact Hosting Support

If the above steps don’t work, contact your web hosting provider’s support team. They can often assist in regaining access.

FAQs About Login to WordPress Dashboard

How do I log into my WordPress admin dashboard?
Navigate to your WordPress website’s login URL, typically Enter your username and password. If you’ve forgotten your credentials, use the ‘Lost your password?’ link on the login page to reset your password.
How can I secure my WordPress admin login?
Use strong, unique passwords and implement two-factor authentication. Regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Consider changing the default login URL for an added layer of security.
What should I do if I’m locked out of my WordPress admin account?
Try resetting your password via email. If that doesn’t work, use phpMyAdmin to update your password directly in the database, or contact your hosting provider for assistance.
Can I customize my WordPress login page?
Yes, you can customize your WordPress login page by adding branding elements like your logo and matching the color scheme to your brand. This can be done using custom CSS or plugins like ‘Custom Login Page Customizer’.
How do I add social media logins to my WordPress site?
Use a plugin like ‘Nextend Social Login’ or ‘Social Login’. Install and activate the plugin, obtain API keys from the respective social media platforms, and configure the settings in the plugin to enable social media logins on your site.

Conclusion: Your WordPress Masterpiece Awaits

In conclusion, mastering the art of accessing your WordPress Admin Dashboard is a fundamental step towards effectively managing your website. Understanding the functionalities and being aware of the standard login procedure ensures a smooth experience in navigating the dashboard’s powerful tools and features. 

Remembering the login URL and troubleshooting common issues further contribute to a hassle-free administration experience, allowing you to focus on creating and maintaining compelling content.

Aiming to secure your WordPress admin dashboard but hesitant to dive into the technical complexities? Look no further! Reach out to us today and tap into the expertise of our seasoned WordPress developers with over 5 years of hands-on experience. We’re here to simplify the process, enhance your site’s security, and provide you with the confidence to exert the full potential of your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

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